A Driverless Future? – The Power of Automotive AI


File Integrity Monitoring – View Security Incidents in Black and White or in Glorious Technicolor?

Using FIM, or file integrity monitoring has long been established as a keystone of information security best practices. Even so, there are still a number of common misunderstandings about why FIM is important and what it can deliver.

File Integrity Monitoring – FIM Could Just Save Your Business

Busted! The Citadel Cybercrime Operation. No guns were used, no doors forced open, and no masks or disguises were used, but up to $500Million has been stolen from businesses and individuals around the world. Reuters reported last week that one of the worlds biggest ever cybercrime rings has just been shut down. The Citadel botnet operation, first exposed in August last year, shows that anyone who wants to think big when it comes to cybercrime can make truckloads of money without even leaving home.

Hackers Are Eyeing Your GPS Too

GPS unit is taking a high toll in the latest addition of gadgets and electronic devices. GPS – Global Positioning System is a satellite based electronic device that provides information on time, positioning and weather conditions.

File Integrity Monitoring – Database Security Hardening Basics

Being the heart of any corporate application means your database technology must be implemented and configured for maximum security. Whilst the desire to ‘get the database as secure as possible’ appears to be a clear objective, what does ‘secure as possible’ mean?

File Integrity Monitoring for PCI DSS – Card Skimmers Still Doing the Business After All These Years

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Card Skimming – Hardware or Software? Simplest is still best – whether they are software-based (as in the so-called ‘Dexter’ or ‘VSkimmer’ Trojan – Google it for more information) or classic hardware interception devices, card skimming is still a highly effective means of stealing card data.

Cell Phone Data Recovery

Whether you have a cheating spouse or cheating employees in the workplace it is now possible to recover all kinds of data from a cell phone. Often times, even deleted information can be recovered. Data recovery can be done quickly and discreetly. If you suspect your spouse or significant other is having an affair, or is up to some other kind of activity you can find out what has been going on with their cell phone with the help of a private investigator. In the workplace company cell phone are used extensively. Teenagers sometimes get into trouble. You can find out what has been going on with their cell phones and nip a potential problem in the bud.

The Top Three Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Dedicated Computer Repair Service

With modern technology, everything is digital and documented on an operating system. Losing this necessary tool could completely sidetrack a business’s daily workload until the problem has been resolved. There are three circumstances when a business should definitely hire a dedicated computer repair specialist and this includes…

Your Copier May Hold Secrets!

What could be a more obvious place than a laptop, PC or smartphone to look at the browsing habits of someone? Well… it’s usually the first place an investigator will think of when piecing together a case or to substantiate evidence, right? Ever think about corporate espionage and how cyber criminals use tools to crack corporate secrets or just to mess with a competitor? Here are some often forgotten areas that any organization should consider potential havens for sensitive information…

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Large Touch Screens Explained

There is no doubt that large touch screens can be a key asset in any marketing strategy. The trick is figuring out the best way to utilize this powerhouse of digital technology so that it reaps the most benefits for whatever platform it is serving. In order to do that…

Linux Server Hardening

For today’s computing platforms, ease of access and openness is essential for web based communications and for lean resourced IT Management teams. This is directly at odds for the increased necessity for comprehensive security measures in a world full of malware, hacking threats and would-be data thieves. Most organizations will adopt a layered security strategy, providing as many protective measures for their IT infrastructure as are available – firewalls, sandboxes, IPS and IDS, anti-virus – but the most secure computing environments are those with a ‘ground up’ security posture.

Basic Checks Before Visiting a Computer Repair Center

Today, computers are everywhere. It’s difficult to ideate life without computers. Directly and/or indirectly, computers have really changed our lives. If you are a regular computer user, then you must have experienced different types of problems.

How Crucial to Invest for High Quality Radiology Information System or RIS

One of the most important devices inside the hospital is the radiology information system. In fact, many radiologists are beginning to take advantage of this platform to help their personnel do their tasks effectively.

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