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Cloud Computing Solutions: Deployment Models

August 2010 reports of the Consumers Research Network (CRN) estimate that by 2014, spending on cloud computing solutions would reach the $100 billion mark. Cloud computing is a very versatile and flexible computing model and thus can be customized as per requirements of individual organizations.

PCI Compliance Server Hardening Doesn’t Have to Be Hard

Harden Server Configuration to remove Vulnerabilities – From the moment a server is powered up it becomes vulnerable to attack. Assuming that leaving your key application servers turned off is not an option it will be necessary to implement security measures advocated by the PCI DSS.

The Inner Workings of E-Discovery Software

With famous litigation making the rounds of cable and local news channels, e-discovery software has found its place in the legal process. Electronic discovery, or e-discovery, is the process by which electronic documents such as e-mails, instant messaging and other types of computer communication are found by investigative means. E-Discovery software is the computer equipment used in these investigative matters.

Top 10 Symptoms That Your PC May Be Infected

How do you know if your computer has a virus, a worm, a trojan horse infection, spyware, malware, crimeware or any of the other known types of infection? Obviously, everyone’s PC is different, so it is up to each person to keep an eye on the known and documented causes. Although not all of the following symptoms will necessarily indicate your PC has an infection, if you note more than just one of them happening at the same time, there is a high probability and you would be advised to look into it further.

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Data Mining – A Short Introduction

Data mining is an integral part of data analysis which contains a series of activities that goes from the ‘meaning’ of the ideas, to the ‘analysis’ of the data and up to the ‘interpretation’ and ‘evaluation’ of the outcome. The different stages of the technique are as follows:

Web Mining

With the bang of the era of information technology, we have entered into an ocean of information. This information blast is strongly based on the internet; which has become one of the universal infrastructures of information. We can not deny the fact that, with every passing day, the web based information contents are increasing by leaps and bounds and as such, it is becoming more and more difficult to get the desired information which we are actually looking for. Web mining is a tool, which can be used in customizing the websites on the basis of its contents and also on the basis of the user interface. Web mining normally comprises of usage mining, content mining and structure mining.

The Hidden Dangers of Image Geo Tagging

What is Image Geo tagging anyways? Did you know today’s smart phones and digital cameras embed hidden data into the photographs you take. The photos you take can tell others a number of private things about you and your whereabouts.

Open Source Development – Secure or Not?

This article explains how open source development has a lot of misconceptions regarding security. It also explains that proprietary and open source software are equally susceptible to hacking. it’s how you use them that matters.

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How Logging And File Integrity Monitoring Technologies Can Augment Process and Procedure

For many Merchants subject to the PCI DSS, September is always a significant deadline for proving that compliance with the security measures of the PCI DSS has been met. Unless you are a Tier 1 merchant (transacting in excess of 6 million card sales each year) and being audited by a PCI Security Standards Council QSA (Qualified Security Assessor) then you will be using the Self-Assessment route. SAQ D is the most commonly used Self Assessment Questionnaire for medium to large scale merchants.

What Is the Current Demand for Computer Forensics Certification?

In recent years, there have been a record number of computer security related crimes and breeches than ever before. The more the technology advances, the more chances computer criminals will learn more ways of breaching computer security. That is why the growing interest in computer forensics training is becoming a much sought after field for those wanting a high paid and stable forensics career.

Why Passwords Are Exposing Us to Insider Crime

Across the world, insider fraud is not only increasing, it is the most common form of economic crime within the workplace. IT systems are constantly abused to make fraudulent payments, modify identity data, forge documents and steal information. And traditional passwords are actively helping the enemies within to commit their crimes.

Pipes in Unix Based Operating Systems

Unix based operating systems like Linux offer a unique approach to join two discrete commands, and generate a new command using the concept of pipe(lines). For example, consider command1|command2. Here, whatever output is generated by the first command becomes the standard input for the second command.

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