Chatter #193 – Timothy E. Lee On AI, Self Driving Cars, and The Future Of Transport


An Overview on Ethical Hacking

Technology and Internet facilitated the birth and growth of network evils like virus, anti-virus, hacking and ethical hacking. All are familiar with the term hacking and the effects of hacking. My article gives an overview on ethical hacking and hackers.

Ethical Hacking Institute – The New School in Cyberspace

There can be no denial that we live in an era of cyber warfare. You can have little doubt that our era is truly digital. However not everyone is connected to the Internet or using smart phones yet. Not many are aware of the term hacking or how hacking is affecting us and how ethical hacking can make our lives better.

Power of Hadoop

Apache Hadoop is an open source software project based on JAVA. Basically it is a framework that is used to run applications on large clustered hardware (servers). It is designed to scale up from a single server to thousands of machines, with a very high degree of fault tolerance. Rather than relying on high-end hardware, the reliability of these clusters comes from the software’s ability to detect and handle failures of its own.

Digital Evidence Storage for Forensics Investigators

Digital evidence storage creates numerous concerns to computer forensics investigators. Properly stored evidence is a key component of a successful case.

Securely Wiping Computer Hard Drives Before Discarding

In the Linux operating system(which is free), the super user(root) has raw access to disks and partitions on the disks in the machine. The general idea is to write random data generated by the Linux operating system, to the hard disk. The situation often arises where an individual needs to throw away an old computer, but does not want the data on the disk of the old computer to be accessible if someone retrieves it via dumpster diving.

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How Big Is BIG DATA?

Did you ever wonder when you upload your picture or change a status or even comments on your friends profile, how does it get stored? Have you ever imagined the size of the data that millions of users create every day? How is it managed?

The Role of a Digital Forensics Investigator

What does it take to be a digital forensics investigator? Digital forensics requires specialized expertise and tools that go above and beyond the normal data collection and preservation techniques available to end-users or system support personnel. Computer forensics requires expert training, the ability to think outside the box, the knowledge of investigation strategies, and the experience of how findings affect and interact in legal proceedings.

The Basics of Electronic Discovery: Part 2 of 2

This is the second of a two-part article examining the new legal field of electronic discovery. In Part One, we took a broad look at what e-discovery really is, defined the key terminology, and examined some of the technology impacting this field. This final Part explores the technology in more detail, addresses the defensibility of the technology, and concludes with how all of this affects you, as a practitioner.

The Basics of Electronic Discovery: Part 1 of 2

The purpose of this article is to give lawyers and IT personnel who are unfamiliar with e-discovery a basic understanding of its concepts, terms, and applications. Part One will provide the reader with a basic understanding of e-discovery, the key terminology, and examine some of the technology impacting this field. Part Two will explore the technology in more detail, address the defensibility of the technology, and conclude with how this all affects you as a practitioner.

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Computer Forensics – How Digital Evidence Is Collected

According to the BBC, Nick Clegg suggests the idea of allowing public authorities such as the Police to access user content from Internet Service Providers, as needing a “fundamental rethink”. He continued to advise that the idea of allowing this legislation, labelled as contributing prevention for terrorism, has had many criticisms, one of which argues the right of privacy.

Essential Points To Consider When Selecting A Computer Repair Company

Computers are perhaps one of the most useful gadgets that have ever been invented. They have become even more powerful with the advent of web technology. There’s hardly anybody these days who doesn’t find computers necessary, whether it’s for work, business, or other purposes.

Configuring a New Laptop

There are a lot of things to consider when you are shopping for that laptop, the two most important specifications however are going to be your processor and your RAM. Here I am going to explain some of the fundamental features of both so you can make a better choice when buying a laptop for yourself.   PROCESSOR (CPU)   Intel the world’s largest semi conductor maker has begun the process of transitioning into a quad core line of processors.

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