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How to Use Demonstrative Evidence

Why use Demonstrative evidence? As the old adage goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Visual images enhances language, explains scientific jargon, and technical description.

File Integrity Monitoring – FIM Agent Versus Agentless FIM

The incessant escalation, both in malware sophistication and proliferation, means the need for fundamental file integrity monitoring is essential to maintain malware-free systems. Signature-based anti-virus technologies are too fallible and easily circumnavigated by zero-day malware or selectively created and targeted advanced persistent threat (APT) virus, worm or Trojan malware.

How to Show Hidden Files in Windows

Being able to show and hide hidden files in Windows is one of the key tasks that everybody should be able to do. It’s not about being an IT wiz: it’s about being able to troubleshoot fundamental problems, track data usage, control storage, and access information. Files are hidden on Windows to protect sensitive data, but that’s not meant to be a roadblock. Use this article to find out the steps needed to control how files and folders are managed in Windows and take control of the way your system works.

Computer Technology Degree Graduates See Career Boom

Use your IT level to create new program and programs for companies and situations of all kinds – become a programs designer. For learners working toward technological innovation levels, the future career outlook seems bright. Mt. Sierra Higher education in Monrovia Caliph alone provides bachelor level programs in media arts & style with a choice of levels in graphics activity art and style, visual effects and digital video or multimedia arts and style. Mt. Sierra also provides it levels with levels in telecommunications technological innovation, details security and PC it.

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File Integrity Monitoring and SIEM – Why Layered Security Is Essential to Combat the APT

Every time the headlines are full of the latest Cyber Crime or malware Scare story such as the Flame virus, the need to review the security standards employed by your organization takes on a new level of urgency. The 2012 APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) The Advanced Persistent threat differs from a regular hack or Trojan attack in that it is as the name suggests, advanced in technology and technique, and persistent, in that it is typically a sustained theft of data over many months. So far the APT…

Basics of Digital Forensics and Evidence

This article is based on the role requires from a forensic investigator relative experience, training, and qualifications. And the second role is that of evidence analysis which is reviewed, assessed, and analyzed for facts and conclusions.

Private and Public Digital Evidence and Forensic Investigation

Company resources for personal private business or public need a forensic investigators (Digital forensic and digital evidence ). This investigation can demand for either Private or public investigations, depending on evidence gathered that proves an employee accessed records or other information without authorization.

The Challenge of Parallel Computing Pertaining to Algorithms, Programming, and Applications

1. Introduction – How can we reach the peak performance of a machine? The challenge of creating an algorithm that can be implemented on a parallel machine utilizing its architecture in such a way that produces a faster clock-time is the very question that drives parallel computing.

Computers, What to Know When Purchasing a New Machine!

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When considering a computer/laptop, do you know what you need to know prior to your purchase? Here are some ideas to consider…

What Price? Safety Over Privacy: A Slippery Slope

How much privacy are we willing to give up ensuring our safety against possible terrorist attacks? Do we have a choice or has this line already been crossed? Have we become a “Big Brother” society?

Basics About Cloud Computing

In a general term, cloud computing can be defined as anything that aims to deliver hosted service over the internet. It can also be termed as, a way to use a virtual computer exactly with same personalized experience irrespective of global position. In general, cloud services are divided into three basic categories: IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service), PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) and SaaS (Software-as-a-Service). The cloud symbol inspired the name “Cloud Computing” which stands to represent the internet in flowcharts and diagrams.

Cloud Computing Forensics Using a Communication Data Trunk Transmission Filter – Will It Work?

China, Iran, and a number of other nations have built giant intranet systems which then connect to the overall global Internet. By doing this they can watch the traffic, censor information, and do their intelligence work. Unfortunately, in doing so they also find and eliminate dissension – we don’t like that concept in the United States because we believe in freedom and liberty above all else, nevertheless, this is how they do it in their countries.

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