How BioNTech is using Artificial Intelligence to find a Cancer Cure


Laptop Care to Avoid Laptop Repairs

When a laptop is not properly taken care of, there are several things that can go wrong, leading you to need laptop repairs. By keeping a few tips in mind, you can properly take care of your new laptop. With proper care, you will not have to worry about losing all of your important documents or pictures. If you are going off to school, then you no doubt bought your laptop with the intentions that it would last you for all four years of school. Since most schools require you to have a laptop nowadays, keeping yours in top condition is important. If something does happen to your laptop, however, there are laptop repair options available. There are services that offer laptop repairs and screen repairs, as well, and many of these options are affordable.

Five Steps To Video Conferencing

You have just created an exceptional SIP trunking for your business, and are saving a lot of money buying only the lines that you need to use. Now, you need to set up for Video Conferencing to enhance your company’s ability to serve your customer’s needs the best way possible. Well, this can be done in five easy to follow steps.

Fingerprint Identification and Griaule Fingerprint SDK

Fingerprint identification is the most well-known biometric identification technique. The identification is mainly done on the basis of the minutiae. The Griaule fingerprint SDK is designed to enable integration of biometrics in different applications.

Why Are Laptop Repairs More Difficult?

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Anyone knowledgeable enough about computers would tell you that laptop repairs are much more challenging and time-consuming than the corresponding repair procedures for a desktop machine. Which can definitely sound discouraging if you’ve got a laptop that’s suffered some damage and needs to be repaired. Why does it work like that though, and what is it that makes laptops so much more challenging to repair than desktops?

SecuGen Hamster IV Fingerprint Reader

Fingerprints are our built-in, unique and easily accessible identity cards. In recent years, the use of technology to utilize this property of our fingers has become common. The Hamster IV is a PIV Single Finger Capture Device certified by the FBI.

Buy Sexy Servers Online – Or Make Your Own

Servers are not often seen as particularly ‘sexy’ products. For most people who are ready to buy server cases for their computing business, image will be at the very bottom of the pile of specification requirements – if they feature at all. However for the domestic technophile who is looking into the world of home servers, style can be an important consideration.

Secugen Hamster Plus Fingerprint Reader

The Hamster Plus is one of the new fingerprint scanning devices that SecuGen has to offer. The company has added two new features to the device: Auto-On and Smart Capture.

Cybercrime Has Become Epidemic Worldwide and Your Risk of Becoming the Next Victim Increases Daily!

Hollywood celebrities have been victimized by hackers. Identity theft and cyber bullying are at an all time high. Read more to find out how you can shield yourself from these cyber predators.

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What You Need to Know About AC Adapters for Laptops

AC adapters for laptops could sometimes be the first one that is going to give out. If you have a laptop, basically, all of its parts are sturdy in construction except the adapters. Adapters are the first ones giving out because of the wire and the careless use of some owners.

Security Sphere 2012 – Sneaky Malware That Rips Users Off

Security Sphere 2012 is a malicious application that can be easily labeled as rogue anti-spyware. It applies invasive methods for getting inside the system and in most of the cases uses Trojans for getting into poorly protected systems.

What Do IT Support Companies Do?

Aside from solving system malfunctions, IT companies are also responsible for setting up the company’s online network. They have to make sure that all servers, firewalls, and connections are functioning properly. A breach in the system might mean that outsiders could possibly access vital information uploaded in the database. A secured firewall program has to be installed and monitored to prevent any hacker or unidentified entities to view as well as download data.

Emergency Notification Systems

As a video forensic expert, I am on the front lines investigating new technologies and systems as they are implemented in law enforcement communities. I recently reviewed an advanced public safety system manufactured by Nice Systems. This equipment is saving lives and will continue to improve technologically, keeping us forensic experts on our toes. It is the forensic expert’s job to understand how this equipment works and use that knowledge to help the courts better understand evidence presented in a litigation.

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