Is artificial intelligence dangerous?


Computer Forensics Expert: Traveling? Treat Your Laptop Like Cash!

In today’s society, traveling with a laptop seems like an everyday occurrence, whether for “mobile office” or just personal use. There are some things you should be aware of when traveling with your laptop. Since it is portable and portable items can be easily lost or stolen. Here are a few tips to help avoid heartache and an employer’s wrath.

Open Source Computer Forensics Investigations

There exists many platforms for conducting Computer Forensics. Many of these platforms are open source and free, offering the investigator on a budget the ability to conduct forensics work. When conducting certain computer forensics tasks, sometimes these open source options rival commercial software packages.

Computer Forensics Expert: How to Keep Anyone From Snooping Around Your Cloud

How Secure is your Data in the Cloud? In recent years government has increased its requests for access to Cloud data. Storage-As-A-Service providers such as Google Drive, Dropbox, iDrive, Microsoft Skydrive, Apple iCloud and others are receiving numerous requests to view what has been stored by various individuals and companies. In addition to the government, there are instances of the storage company’s employees exposing or taking data for their own or others use. Data breaches have been experienced by companies such as DropBox and iCloud which has exposed data. This happens when storage company employees seize the opportunity to make a quick buck selling everything from company data to personal credit card information which has been stored in the Cloud.

Hacking Expert Witness: US Charges Eight in Hacking Scheme

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This allegedly began in 2011, when several accounts in banks such as: Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, PayPal, the U.S. Military Defense Finance and 11 other banks had their accounts compromised. Once inside these accounts, the hackers setup a payment which was sent to several pre-paid debit cards. The pre-paid cards were then used by an accomplice (aka “cashers” or “money mules”) to make ATM withdrawals or purchases to convert the card into cash.

Packet Capture – Definition and Importance

Network Probe for analysis network traffic. A packet capture, also called as packet analyzer, sniffer or protocol analyzer is a computer program that seizes the passing traffic and logs in the passing digital network.

Cyber Crime Prevention

Cyber Crime – I would like to discuss on a very stimulating topic i.e. Cyber Crime, or in other terms the crime committed by means of computers over internet. The illicit use of computer to promote fraudulent activities like child pornography, stealing personal identifiable information or violating policies of any association, all such actions can be categorized under Cyber Crime. Most of the misconducts are triggered via Internet and its study has gained importance in recent decades, because the use of internet is seen in every sector of society like business, entertainment, medical services, sports, media industry.

Home-Brewed Data Destruction

Law around the subject of electronically stored information (ESI) and computer forensics is ever-evolving. In a lawsuit, it’s treated just like paper documents. If you shred or burn the paper evidence, you’re in trouble – and if you’re caught deleting or wiping electronic evidence, you’re in the same boat. But in some cases, it can be easier to get busted for destroying ESI, both because electrons have a way of proliferating as digital copies of files and pictures and documents, and because the process of destroying data usually leaves detectable digital traces.

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The Current State of CyberWar in the World

Drama is the touchstone for reporting. We have to look well around this particular stone in order to catch a realistic impression of the virtual. We have to look around it even to understand what CyberWar is or how it is define

How to Become a Digital Forensic Specialist

A Digital forensic specialist is someone who analyses the digital crime scene in case of cyber attacks and malicious intrusions in order to find the criminal and prove their involvement. Just like a regular forensic specialist, their digital counterparts analyze the smallest bit of evidence and use it to construct a foolproof case against the culprit.

Social Media in Legal Procedings

Social media might be fun, but increasingly it is used by lawyers in courts as hard evidence to convict someone of a crime. It is also often used as evidence in cases such as divorce.

How To Protect Intellectual Property

Using only best and most effective techniques for data protection is the key to protecting intellectual property from the hands of those who would steal it for profit. There are a few best ways which will minimize the likelihood of data being stolen on which intangible assets are saved.

With E-Commerce Product Data Entry the Business Becomes Productive

An entrepreneur of an online business must have actually realized the significance of having a powerful marketing program. In today’s time, it is very important to develop a management plan so as to make your marketing efforts successful. Dealing efficiently with your marketing plans is really a vital part of every successful business concern.

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