The Future of Learning | Virtual Technologies and Artificial Intelligence


Encryption: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

The internet has transformed the way people live. It has changed everything from the way we learn to the way we shop. We use the internet to carry out a number of activities ranging from reading news, playing games and interacting with friends and family, besides a number of other things. We think that we only receive information from the internet; however, this is far from the truth. In the process of browsing the internet, we actually send out a lot of information such as our identity and location. We generally aren’t as safe on the internet as we may think we are.

All in One PC – Offering Multiple Options, Making Life Easier

We use computers in multiple industries like chemical, medical, pharmaceutical, digital automation, food production and sales and more. There is really no limitation to the power of a computer. It has been improving our lives and making our jobs a lot easier.

Digital Security Equals Wealth

Business executives must take an active role in making policy part of the DNA of the company. The first step is a clear recognition of the financial risk to the organization should a breach occur due to noncompliance.

Resource Allocation In Your Computing Environment

Resource allocation in computing environment is key to efficient utilization of the computing environment and minimization of resource usage. Cost considerations aside, being oblivious to resource allocation can be disastrous for any computing environment.

File Integrity Monitoring, Why Your Security Is Compromised Without It – The Vulnerability Scabber

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It is important to use File Integrity monitoring for system files as a backstop to AV for detecting malware. Enterprise-level FIM goes further where configuration files are concerned to not only detect and report changes to config settings, but to also identify vulnerabilities.

CSI Number11 – The Case of the Unheard Evidence

It was a balmy summer day in Marin County, back near the beginning of my computer forensics career. Back in the day – before we called it that – I had testified as an expert witness only a few times. My feet weren’t flat yet, my shoes not yet gummy. Y2K was just beginning to gleam in the eyes of the neglected armies of COBOL programmers. The weather was right for taking big steps. The place was perfect for learning. The time was ripe for disappointments. But not at first. At first, I just saw the dollar signs.

File Integrity Monitoring – Why Your Security Is Compromised Without It

File Integrity Monitoring is essential for the security of any business’ IT. We examine the need for malware detection, addressing the inevitable flaws in anti-virus systems.

Which File Integrity Monitoring Technology Is Best For FIM?

File Integrity Monitoring FIM or SIEM FIM? Within the FIM technology market there are choices to be made. Agent-based or agentless is the most common choice, but even then there are both SIEM, and ‘pure-play’ FIM, solutions to choose between.

PCI DSS Version 3.0: New Standard But Same Problems?

Card data theft is still happening so the third revision of the PCI Data Security Standard is as much a re-launch as a revamp. Many organizations – even Level 1 Merchants – have yet to fully implement all requirements of the PCI DSS V2 or previous versions of the standard, so eyes may well be rolling at a new version of a standard which hasn’t yet been mastered in its previous forms. This new version is more about refinement and clarification than any introduction of new techniques or technologies to help protect against card data theft, but while losses through card fraud are still on the increase, it is clear that something has to change.

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A Look Into Cybercrime

Cybercrime is one of the fastest growing criminal industries in the world. This article gives a brief look into a better understanding of the basics of cybercrime.

SIEM Plus Correlation = Security?

Introduction Whether you are working from a SANS 20 Security Best Practices approach, or working with an auditor for SOX compliance or QSA for PCI compliance, you will be implementing a logging solution. Keeping an audit trail of key security events is the only way to understand what ‘regular’ operation looks like. Why is this important?

Is Your QSA Making You Less Secure?

Most organizations will turn to a QSA when undertaking a PCI Compliance project. A Qualified Security Assessor is the guy you need to satisfy with any security measures and procedures you implement to meet compliance with the PCI DSS so it makes sense to get them to tell you what you need to do.

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