The Power of Artificial Intelligence in Government: Improving constituent access through AI


Google Can Help You Find Your Lost Smartphone

Mobile phone users don’t have to panic if they find their devices missing. Google has rolled out a new application that easily finds the missing phone. It works in tandem with the location tracker to find the device. In this article, we would be looking at the different features of this application for the benefit of the readers.

2 Myths That Can Destroy Start-Up Managed IT Support Services Providers

The managed IT service market is growing at a fast clip, and it seems that this growth is nowhere near its end. As this growth story lengthens, more and more new market players will earn a place of their own in tomorrow’s marketplace provided that they do not fall victim to two myths.

4 Reasons Why Managed IT Support Services Teams Outperform the In-House Technicians

Every mid-sized business wishes to have its own in-house IT team. This team performs a range of activities related to troubleshooting and maintaining the computer network. After all, a business needs having a team by its side every day so that IT catastrophes get averted way before they wreck the entire system. However, do such mishaps come to pass daily? No, they don’t.

Apple Vs FBI – Is It Over?

The FBI has given up on its lawsuit to force Apple to open an iPhone. Will this be the end of it?

CSI18 – The Case of the Deadbeat Beauty

Not everything always works out in Forensicland. Sometimes we strike out. In more ways than one. One such case involved a lovely con – a deadbeat beauty…

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Common Issues in Android Lollipop and Their Solutions

Although Android Marshmallow is out for some devices, many of the devices are still using Lollipop and are still receiving updates to the OS. Lollipop has been a spectacular operating system for Android with such amazing features, but there is no such thing as perfect, and lollipop is no exception. There are many Android Lollipop issues and we’re going to list here some common Android lollipop issues and their possible fix.

Data Loss Prevention, The Unintentional Attacker

This article is a layman’s introduction to data loss prevention. I discuss the new look at insider threats and data leak prevention.

What Are the Biggest Issues Facing Forensic Accountants

Learn more about forensic accountants. They can play a key role in a public or private sector.

How to Become a Professional Ethical Hacker

As with time, while we developed the technology and we are keeping busy like a bee, we have been able to drastically evolve and improve the level of technology. But with the evolution of technology, it also left behind, its residue and that has turned out to be the vulnerability and the loops of the technology which could lead to a situation of hacking, where the important information and data might be accessed in the purpose of theft, modification or destruction etc.

Secure Your Web Application Like Your Own House

Securing a web application is like locking up your house. Would you leave your doors unlocked when you are not at home? Just as houses are located in public streets, web applications are in cyber space which can be accessed all over the world. Even houses in postcode areas with the highest crime rates will have less risk of instrusion than a web application. A web application must be built to withstand the attempts of hackers from all over the world, trying an ever-growing list of techniques to gain access to it.

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Computer Forensics and Hacking Expert Witness: Howdy, I’m a Hacker!

The most common visual is the pale nerd in his mother’s basement who is getting into his university server to change his rivals grades to failing ones. Then there are the various Hollywood depictions which show “master criminals” manipulating traffic signals and financial markets. This is a fairly recent use of the word “hacker” and for years before it had a very different meaning.

Data Forensics Expert Witness: Facebook Exposes Personal Data!

Facebook recently released a statement detailing how over 6 million of its 1.1 billion users had their personal information unduly exposed. The cause? A minor error in the software of one of its largest archives. This error inadvertently allowed unauthorized users to view confidential contact data (such as email addresses and phone numbers) without any need for a password. This could have been avoided. Facebook found evidence of the leakage dating back to 2012, but it was not publicly noticed and brought to their attention until June 18, 2013. Had Facebook been conducting thorough and consistent security audits, they could have lessened the exposure and avoided some very bad press.

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